Innovative Productus LLC

Software Solutions Division

Text Box: Show Planning Made Easy! Gem Shows

A customized Show Planning Software for the Mineral, Fossil, Jewelry, and Gem shows that are hosted by clubs that are members of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS).

Product Summary

· Reduces time spent organizing shows

· Easy to use for everyone

· Can greatly be customized for your show

· Gives your organization a professional look

· Consolidates much of your pre-show papers

· Affordable for shows of any size

· Integrates well with other programs

· Keeps track of dealer receivables & invoices

· Includes a customizable dealer contract

· Helps create show floor layouts

· Helps create city maps to find your show

· Organizes speakers and speaker letters

· Organizes demonstrators & related letters

· No more writing addresses on envelopes!!!

· Free updates with renewals

Price: $3.00 / Dealer/ Year

SKU/Item Number: 2100

Benefits you and your organization!

You will find this to be an invaluable tool that will make managing a show much easier and professional looking.

The software is designed to work with your Microsoft Excel (preferably 2003 or newer), and help automate two sets of letters to your show dealers.  The first letter has a cover-letter and a customizable dealer contract.

The second dealer mailing has the confirmation letter, a customizable map of your show floor, a customizable city map of how to find the show venue, and an advertising flyer that lists all the show dealers.

There is a similar mailing for your speakers and demonstrators, that gives them the maps and flyers as well, which makes your life easier.

You will also enjoy databases for your dealers, speakers, and demonstrators, so that you can keep track of show affiliates from previous years, the current year’s show, and for future shows. 


You will also enjoy databases for your dealers, speakers, and demonstrators, so that you can keep track of show affiliates from previous years, the current year’s show, and for future shows. 

There are even advertising flyers that are already formatted for you and your print service, which should help reduce your bulk printing costs for advertising! 

Do you hate printing envelopes, putting address labels on envelopes, or heaven forbid….hand writing envelopes?  Well we do too, so we decided to eliminate that labor for you as well.  Once again, automating things to make your job easier, that is our motto.

Yet another benefit includes an event calendar that helps you to see other events happening near, or on, your show dates, so that you can better plan, or adjust your show dates before you sign your venue contract.

And as if that weren't enough, there is an automatic page that keeps track of your dealer statements and receivables!  You can even print it out as a receipt that states ”Paid in Full”  for dealers requesting such paperwork.

This version of the software has been created to incorporate your regional Federation and National Federation of Mineralogical Societies information into.  While this information is used sparingly in the sheets, it can be removed by you, should you choose not to use it.  It is completely automated, and fills in your regional Federation for you!  Other than this nifty feature, it is already partially populated with rock show information.

For every $100 of annual subscription fees, we will provide one hour of technical support for your first year.  This is a great benefit for the larger shows that have bigger, and more complex needs, and need some help getting set up.  So if you have a show that has 500 dealers in it, you will receive 15 hours of tech support!  Conversely, you will need 34 dealers in your show to receive your first hour of technical support.   We have instituted this policy because of our very reasonably pricing strategy that allows a show planning software available to smaller shows, where the competition is far too pricey. To put things in perspective, a show with 10 dealers will pay $30 for an annual license.  For our consulting services, we charge $35.00 per hour, so we would be loosing money if we provided tech services to the smaller shows.  Smaller shows always have the option to purchase the tech service, but since the software is so easy to navigate, it is doubtful that anyone will really need this service.

We also look forward to hearing your feedback and adding additional time-saving features, which will always be FREE with your annual renewals.